2013年3月5日 星期二

68ml (by 王琦)

68ml是一种常见的一次性塑料杯的容量, 我们要求被摄者喝下一杯不同品牌、浓度的68ml酒精后以一种普通证件照的方式被拍摄。相机记录下了酒精在某些人肌肤表面产生的生理反应,而在另一些被摄者身上我们则并未察觉。因为酒精的介入,我们可以说自己拍摄的是一种区别于常态的身体和精神经验,然而在这里,摄影其实仅仅确定了一种身份的模型,我们无法从中辨识不同的酒精浓度或品牌,更无从捕捉人像之下那种被酒精催生的非常态的经验物质(比如酒精催生的倾诉症、破坏欲、电话控、迷惘者和乱性者的可能性),身份认同仅仅是一种主观的视觉认同。

68ml is a common disposable plastic cup capacity, we require that the photographed drank a glass of different brands and the concentrations of 68ml alcohol after being photographed with a common ID photos. Camera to record of the physiological responses of the skin surface in some people, and in others who are not aware that. The alcohol  involvement in photography, we can say that our shooting is distinguished from the normal physical and mental experience. However, this shooting, the photography is really just shooting and recording a predetermined normal.we can not identify the different alcohol concentration, or brand, the more impossible to capturing a portrait with the kind of alcohols, from which made for the Non-normality  of empirical material (such as talking  disease hastened by alcohol, destruction of desire, and phone complex, confusion and chaos possible sex), identity is merely a subjective visual identity.



